
Blog Filter By Diabetes Management

Diabetes and Parkinson’s Disease

Diabetes and Parkinson’s: Nationwide Cohort Study Yields Important Insights The links between diabetes and certain related health risks, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney disease,...

Major Drugmaker to Lower Insulin Prices Significantly

Major drugmaker cuts insulin costs by 70 per cent in the US If you’re among the millions of individuals who require insulin treatments by syringe...

Glucose Meter testing

How to Check Blood Sugar with Test Strips and a Glucose Meter If you’re among the more than 34 million Americans living with diabetes, chances...

7 Ways to Control Blood Sugar Naturally

7 Hacks for Controlling Blood Sugar Naturally  If you’re one of the tens of millions of Americans currently living with Type 2 diabetes, hopefully you’ve...

Diabetes and Birth Control for Women

Diabetes and Birth Control: Finding an Option That Works for You. Women with diabetes are just as likely to enjoy a happy and healthy pregnancy...

Healthy Bedtime Snacks for Diabetes

10 Smart Bedtime Snacks for Those Living with Diabetes If you’re living with diabetes, you already know how important diet is and how the food...

Glycemic Index versus Glycemic Load

What’s The Difference Between Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load? If you’re living with diabetes, you probably already know the importance of limiting carbohydrates in your...

Diabetes and Pineapples

Is Pineapple Healthy for People With Diabetes? If you’re among the more than 34 million Americans currently living with diabetes, you’ve probably read all sorts of...

Pizza and Diabetes

Can I Have Pizza If I Have Diabetes? Pizza is delicious. But if you’re living with diabetes, you might be wondering if you can safely...

Dementia and Diabetes

Diabetes and Dementia: Is there a relationship and should you be concerned? It’s no secret to most of us living with diabetes that we run...

Diabetes and Hearing Loss

Can Diabetes Cause Hearing Loss? The Statistics Say Yes. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), there are more than 37 million people in America...

Glucose Tablets

Here’s what you need to know about glucose tablets. There are currently more than 34 million Americans living with diabetes. While we all have different...

Diabetes and Burning Mouth Syndrome

Diabetes and Burning Mouth Syndrome All of us living with diabetes know the long list of serious health complications the disease can directly contribute to,...

Joint Pain in Diabetes

How does diabetes lead to chronic joint pain? It’s no secret to most of us living with diabetes that the disease impacts our lives in...

Blood Glucose Meters

How to Choose the Best Glucose Meter If you’ve recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes you are certainly in for some major lifestyle changes....

Diabetes 101: A Beginners Guide to Type 2 Diabetes

A Quick Guide for Those Recently Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes If you’ve been recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you probably have a whole...