The UltiGuard Safe Pack provides the ultimate solution for disposing of premium quality pen needles, securely and with ease. UltiCare's all-in-one pack includes 100 high-grade pen needles, which are simply dropped and rolled safely away once they have been used. Your home and local community can rely on this cost-effective and convenient product for uninterrupted safety.
Easy to UseUltiGuard Safe Pack is designed with two chambers - an upper and a lower chamber. The lower chamber dispenses new pen needles while the upper chamber safely collects and disposes of used needles. Once you're done using a needle, you can simply turn the wheel on the side of the container to secure it in place. |
Easy to DisposeOnce you have used up all the needles in the UltiGuard Safe Pack, it is important to follow your state or local guidelines for proper disposal. |
Simply POP the needle from the side door. first step | After the injection, DROP the used needle into the top. | ROLL the handle to safeguard the needle in the Safe Pack. |
Package Includes:
100 x UltiCare UltiGuard Safe Pack Pen Needles - 32G x 4mm